Roda Mundansa
An introduction to speculative history as excavated through Kristang archeoastronomy and cosmology
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Service Description
First, it was 4004 BC. Then it was Sumeria, and Akkad, and cores of civilisation across the world in the Neolithic Period. But the Kristang are not alone in recognising that our history as a living, breathing, intelligent and sentient species functioning as a self-aware collective may go much further back than just the last ten thousand years: among the indigenous cultures of almost the entire world, one finds tantalising suggestions and fragments of a vastly different story from the one that, thankfully, many in academia are beginning to seriously problematise and question as well. Where else can you find that story? In science fiction, speculative fiction and fantasy, stories that at first glance appear to be wholly imagined or constructed, but on closer inspection also bear striking patterns and ideas grounded in what must have been surely already experienced in either literal or metaphorical form. This is the story of the world you almost never heard, because Kristang almost disappeared, just like so much of the other evidence that may have yet given this story its weight. But at last, we are ready to share this story with you and the world. This course introduces you to the Roda Mundansa, the Kristang speculative history of the world, and invites you to join us in the murky, uncertain waters of archeoastronomy, cosmology and postmemory, to see what truths and tall tales we can finally uncover for certain about who we all really are. No prior experience required. 5 Thursdays from 7-9pm SGT starting Thursday 13 April 2023 online, skipping April 20 (Merlionsman overseas) SGD100 per person for whole course, with sliding scale options available
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, please contact me within 48 hours of your booking.
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