with Kevin Martens Wong, CSFP
GP & individuation
Interaction Summary Tables
Hypothesis by individual side of the psyche
The hypothesis on this page is presented for the reader to hopefully approximate a better understanding the "vibe" of the human species and how it has evolved and is evolving, toward ensuring that one's own psyche is able to remove any unnecessary collective-level projection ahead of traumatic spaces like those of collective-level examinations. This hypothesis is derived from a holistic collection of observations and data points, and is also revised as new information is made available to the author. Data sources include:
Publicly available commonalities in myths and legends of all extant cultures (Si-Fe) as well as international media and academia (Si-Te), as well as personal experience, both as is aligned with the publicly available data (Se-Fi) and when it differs from it (Se-Ti), thereafter prompting further investigation
Hypothesis-testing (Ne-Ti) and formulation based on understood patterns (Ni-Te) and checked alignment with broader patterns of the listed data (Ni-Fe), including lacunae and gaps that still by themselves suggest evidence via negative conclusion-forming (Ne-Fi)
Sustained and close attention to the relationships (Fe-Ni) and implicit and explicit hierarchies (Fe-Si) in the social world of the planet in general both synchronically and diachronically, as well as the values (Fi-Se) and identities (Fi-Ne) also governing these
Sustained and close attention to the structures (Te-Si) and deeper systems (Te-Ni) of the world in general both synchronically and diachronically, as well as the rules (Ti-Se) and deeper principles (Ti-Ne) also governing these
As with all human individuals, under Individuation Theory, each successive side of the collective psyche of the species is integrated when it overcomes or integrates projection (which in smaller human collectives often includes abuse, racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, etc.) trauma, or unintegrated material in its unconscious or shadow, and "overcomes itself and its own biases / fears". In the case of the species, this means integrating awareness of previous attempts to develop homo sapiens to a high degree of global civilisational and collective consciousness, as well as the reasons for the failures and/or collapse of such hypothesised attempts.
5th side / Probability-sublime
ENTP / Type XI superid hypothesis = Integration of Ne-Ti / Ideals-Potential
Around when was this side likely integrated?
Not yet integrated
What events were probably related to it, for example?
Why were they probably related to it?
What would a lack of individuation have looked like instead?
4th side / time-source
ESFP / Type X id hypothesis = Integration of Se-Fi / Experiences-Naturalness
Around when was this side likely integrated?
Following the conclusion of the Younger Dryas in approximately 9,500 BCE
What events were probably related to it, for example?
The Flood / Deluge myths present in a majority of contemporaneously extant and extinct cultures, and the destruction of whichever culture is represented by the currently extant myth of Atlantis
Why were they probably related to it?
Still unclear.
What would a lack of individuation have looked like instead?
Still unclear.
3rd side / spirit-space
INFP / Type VI teleios hypothesis = Integration of Fi-Ne / Values-Identity
Around when was this side likely integrated?
Probably on or around the Oruanui supereruption in approximately 24,500 BCE
What events were probably related to it, for example?
Rain of fire events reported in contemporaneously extant and extinct cultures
Why were they probably related to it?
Still unclear.
What would a lack of individuation have looked like instead?
Still unclear.
2nd side / self-plane
ESTJ / Type VII kairos hypothesis = Integration of Te-Si / Structures-Perpetuation
Around when was this side likely integrated?
Still unclear but possibly on or around the Yilan comet impact in approximately 45,000 BCE
What events were probably related to it, for example?
The extinction of the Neanderthals and megafauna globally.
Why were they probably related to it?
Still unclear.
What would a lack of individuation have looked like instead?
Still unclear.
1st side / Ego-Line
INTJ / Type XV ego hypothesis = Integration of Ni-Te / Patterns-Truth
Around when was this side likely integrated?
The Lake Toba supereruption in approximately 72,000 BCE
What events were probably related to it, for example?
Why were they probably related to it?
Still unclear.
What would a lack of individuation have looked like instead?
Still unclear.