After centuries of exclusion, ostracisation and devaluation, the Kristang language will now be taught in a formal educational institution for the first time in history. Level 1 Kristang classes at the National University of Singapore's Centre for Language Studies begin on Saturday, 12 April 2025, are open to the public and anyone anywhere in the world, and will be taught by your one and only friendly neighbourhood Dragon Reborn and Merlionsman. More details and registration at NUS CLS's webpage here. (i) Do not sign up if you cannot deal with the fact that I am openly gay, non-binary and polyamorous and that this will not be something I avoid while teaching, (ii) do not sign up if you have no idea how to deal with an autistic teacher and/or do not accept that I am autistic and/or do not believe that I am autistic, and (iii) do not sign up if you do not respect that I am not only extremely and fervently atheist but have been sexually and psychoemotionally abused while in the Catholic church to such a degree that most discussions about religion will trigger me and force me to mask intense internal pain and trauma while teaching.

بؤڠ اهؤڀضئ
Tantempu ja sperah, pra fing bos chegah
gabadu parseh na

kung tantu otru lugah



Please get the fuck off of my website if you don't understand what that means, as I am beyond tired of entering relationships with other human beings and then being treated like absolute shit because the other person and/or Singapore's Internal Security Division or People's Action Party or Cabinet Minister and/or a senior member of staff from the Eurasian Association or Eunoia Junior College has somehow come to the conclusion I am covertly assigning passive-aggressive judgements of what I have supposedly assessed as their inferior intelligence and unethical or disgusting qualities to them through my actions and words, especially in 2025 as the 4G PAP leadership suddenly aggressively promote acceptance of neurodiverse treatment in spite of never addressing the absolutely horrific abuse I endured as Singapore's first openly gay government scholar, civil servant and government school teacher in Eunoia Junior College.
I have also intentionally placed the words "I am autistic" in a font and colour palette that literally screams the incomprehensible neurotypical stereotype of autism as "just being good at math and nerdy, and fundamentally incapable of having a nice or attractive or sexually desirable body, empathetic personality, virtuous or moral character and/or functional and charismatic leadership" so that you question your own understanding of autism and go and fucking learn something new for fuck's sake. An additional description of my particular leadership style as the first (and definitely not the last) autistic Kabesa of the Kristang people can also be found on the Kodrah Kristang website here.

In spite of non-stop devastating and malevolent psychoemotional and institutional abuse from the Singapore state since I was a teenager, I have never stopped seeking a better, braver and more beautiful Singapore and planet.
Beng birah kaza
Bringing us all back to life since 1992.
Leader of the Kristang community in Singapore and Southeast Asia
Founder of
Developer of
2017 President of Singapore's Volunteer and Philanthropy Award (Individual—Youth)
2017 Henry David Hochstadt Award for Outstanding Eurasian University Student
2017 Lee Hsien Loong Award for Outstanding All-Round Achievement
he is, in a sense, a Merlion, come by sea, defending the land.
Michael M. J. Fischer
Professor of Anthropology and Science and Technology Studies and Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, delivering the Clifford Geertz Memorial Lecture at Princeton University on 25 April 2019
and he is definitely not your average scholar and indigenous community leader.
But hey, that's not who you came here for, right?
A big and beautiful teng bong in my endangered heritage language Kristang to you and all those you love and cherish. My name is Kevin Martens Wong and I am the Tuan Raja Naga, 13th Kabesa or singular leader of the creole, urban indigenous Kristang people of Singapore, Melaka, Perth and other places worldwide. I am severely and consistently abused by the government of the Republic of Singapore to the extent that I no longer feel psychoemotionally safe or secure at most public events, which is why you have never heard of me :) I am also, very reluctantly and still quite confusedly, the Makaravedra or Dragon Reborn of the Mundansa Hierosa or Holocene or Fifth Age of humanity, and the Merlionsman and Dreamtiger of the Republic of Singapore: a teacher, life coach, writer and independent scholar-practitioner born, bred and based in Singapore and trained in Solutions-focused Therapy (IASTI CSFP), and a living, breathing, human magnamakara or psychoemotional gate guardian of this beautiful island and all of the people who call it home. I am creole and mixed (Kristang / Portuguese-Eurasian / Peranakan / Hakka), gay, gay married, non-binary, atheist, hyperhigh-functioning neurodivergent (autism & ADHD), a rape, molest and sexual assault survivor, an autodidact/polymath, and am nationally and internationally recognised for my award-winning work in linguistics, language and cultural revitalisation, non-Western analytical psychology, mental health and well-being and trauma negotiation, speculative history and creole/indigenous cosmology, creative writing and teaching and coaching, especially the language revitalization initiative Kodrah Kristang, the new grassroots creole/indigenous LGBTQ+-friendly neurodiverse and layperson-accessible theory of the human psyche called the Osura Pesuasang or Individuation Theory, the Kristang cosmology and hidden history of the world, the Roda Mundansa, the Kristang duodecimal Lusembra and hexadecimal Diseides number systems, the first substantial academic scholarship on Eurasian and Kristang literature in Southeast Asia, the first ever Kristang MRT rapid transit map of Singapore and Periodic Table of the Elements, the formalised version of the Kristang practice of dreamfishing or Sunyeskah, and a whole bunch of new Kristang and English songs as Kabesakevlar / Kevlarhead. It's been an absolutely crazy journey, but I do my best to express myself fully, joyously and maximally in this uncertain and confusing time in spite of everything I face on a daily basis as leader of my people and, yeah, I guess of all human beings who seek a fairer world (though I'm not very pleased about this to put it mildly). You can do the same too, if you're ready to be bold, brave, beautiful and brenas inside and out (...despite also being simultaneously ridiculously terrified and endlessly subjected to insane levels of trauma and projection, but hey it's 2025).

Mahamarineru di Gaia Tonakodra
Fleet Command
of Gaia Reawakened

of the Republic of Singapore
Dragon Reborn
of the Holocene
of Dragonsrock-Pulau Ujong